Thursday, April 18, 2013

Assembly and Free Pizza at Accelere

Assembly at Accelere - a small section of the group of about a hundred students ...

When life throws some roadblocks in the way of high school graduation, there is still a way. And Accelere Alternative, a unique Omaha school for 17-21 year olds, is one of those ways at a second chance to gain a high school diploma.

On Monday, April 15, the one hundred students at Accelere had the opportunity to hear from Darryl Smith, our Cru High National Director, as he shared in a school assembly about making right choices. Sharing authentically from his own life. After the assembly, about fifty of those one hundred students made the choice to join us for a free pizza lunch at the Boys and Girls Club building next door, to hear more.

About fifty students responded to the pizza lunch invitation, and to hear more ...

Over their noon break from classes, these fifty students heard Darryl share of his choices as a teen and as a young adult, growing up in the inner city, of selling drugs, of landing in jail. And it was there that he made the most important choice of his life - to accept God's Love for him, and to surrender his life to God, for His purposes. Darryl's story connected deeply with these students.

A few of them had shared with him between the assembly and the pizza lunch - that they are empty, looking for something that is missing. Some in desperate situations, some of them parents already, at the same time as finishing up their high school.

And some responded, wanting to know more about this Love that Darryl talked about ... and many took a step in opening their hearts to Jesus.

Debi praying with some of the students after Darryl's talk ...

We praise God for open doors. For Accelere opening it's doors for us to hold Cru meetings with students over their lunch hour one day each week. For the open door to have Darryl come in for an assembly this week. And most of all, for His Spirit at work in students' lives, and for open hearts to His Love.

Please pray for these students. Many of the students have huge burdens in their lives. Pray for those who are open to listen, to hear, and to follow Jesus. The One who can give meaning and purpose. And please pray for those who are blinded and cannot see or listen.

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